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The Adonis belt also known as the Apollo’s belt, inguinal crease or V-cut abs refer to a group of muscles found in the lower abdomen and when they are strengthened they form a V shape. The lower part of the abs (rectus abdominis) form this section.


How do Adonis Belts help with Abs?


It is created by the transverse Abdominis (TVA) and the inguinal ligament. The Inguinal ligament usually creates the line between the abdomen and the hips while the Transverse Abdominis strengthens and enlarges the muscles so that they can be visible


​​How do Adonis Belts help with Abs?


There are various ways in which a man can develop the sexy Apollos belt which are very visible when they are well developed. The methods include:




Some people get the Apollo’s belt by simply inheriting the genes from their parents and they don’t have to exercise so as to get them. However, there are some exercise that they can perform to improve it.





































Lowering the body fat


Getting rid of excess fat is not only important to your health but it is necessary for the development of the Apollo’s belt since the inguinal muscles can only appear when the fat percentage in the body is very minimal (about 10%). Since it is difficult to reduce fat in the lower abs compared to other body parts a lot of exercises that target it should be done. Some body supplements such as Testofuel which is a hormone that speeds up the burning of fat in the V-cut can also be used.


Developing the Transverse Abdominis (TVA)


Since the TVA is the muscle responsible for making the Adonis belt to be visible, there are some specific exercises that can be done so as to improve and develop them. Such exercises include:


Performing oblique planks


This is an exercise that is done to strengthen the abdomen while targeting the oblique. It involves laying on the side with your hip and leg resting on the floor and using your elbow support and to prop your upper body. Repeat this several times while timing yourself and perform several sets of planks in each side. Planks help to improve your abs.


Performing stomach vacuums.


It involves standing upright and exhaling all the air out then puff the chest and suck in your stomach and touch your belly to the spine and don’t breathe for several seconds as you repeat this exercise several times. moved here - Fitness Freaks


Using stable ball pikes.


It involves performing pikes while using a stability ball. The exercise targets the TVA and the oblique. It is easily done by people with less weight and it involves laying on an exercise ball while your feet touching the floor. Then bend your waist and push yourself upwards until the toes touch the ball. Repeat the exercise several times a week.


Knee ups


Performing Side to side knee up will also help strengthen and enlarge the TVA muscles.


In conclusion the Adonis belt is can be developed by carrying exercises that target the lower abs and the TVA muscles. When they are well developed they are seen as a line between the abdomen and the hips. A lower abdomen exercise should be done several times a week so as to lose weight, strengthen the muscles and improve your Apollo’s belt


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